Have you heard of “The Dirty Dozen?” I hadn’t either, but it’s something that you and your family should be aware of, especially if you are doing the grocery shopping.
“The Dirty Dozen” is a list of the top 12 foods with the highest pesticide residue on them. This means that whenever you can, avoid these harmful chemicals and buy them ALL ORGANIC! I know that organic produce is more expensive so if you are on a budget, pad it a little and make sure to include these. Your body will thank you in the long run.
Peaches Apples Sweet Bell Peppers Celery Nectarines Strawberries Cherries Pears Grapes (Imported) Spinach Lettuce Potatoes12 Least Contaminated
Onions Avocado Sweet Corn (Frozen) Pineapples Mango Asparagus Sweet Peas (Frozen) Kiwi Fruit Bananas Cabbage Broccoli Papaya*Source: Organic.org
-Jessica Brown