A drug called hydroxyurea has long been used to fight sickle cell disease, but some female patients may have shied away from it due to concerns that it could harm future fertility. Those fears may be unfounded: A new study finds that hydroxyurea has no effect on what’s known as “ovarian reserve” — the number…  read on >  read on >

Boredom is the key emotion behind most teens’ use of Instagram, a new study says. Teens open the app because they’re bored, then sift through its contents looking for interesting bits to relieve their boredom, researchers report. Then, bored by slogging through the site’s “content soup,” the teens log off, researchers found. “We saw teens…  read on >  read on >

Defiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder, which Mental Health America says affects up to 16% of boys and 9% of girls. Now, research is revealing real differences in the brain structure of children and youths with conduct disorder, compared to those without the condition. Specifically, the study of the brains…  read on >  read on >

An experimental blood test could help detect pregnant women at increased risk for preeclampsia, a serious high blood pressure condition that can harm both mother and child. Researchers report the test looks at genetic markers found in tiny particles called extracellular vesicles that transfer information between human cells. Women with preeclampsia followed a specific pattern…  read on >  read on >