During the holidays, many of us choose to drink and be merry! However, most dieters gasp at and dread the idea of alcohol consumption. This holiday season is different. Just in: you can still lose weight and get a buzz! Dieters, you have permission to sip on your holiday cheer. Just follow these few simple rules and recipes.

Size Matters

Make sure you stick to your serving sizes. Remember, a glass of wine is 5 ounces!

Count it as a splurge

If you had a small, reasonable dessert, stick to one drink for the night. If you had no sweets that day, go ahead and get a bit tipsy.
Treat yourself to two drinks. Just remember to drink water with your cocktails throughout the night.

Nix the Mixers

Well, the sugary ones at least! The majority of weight gain from drinking is not usually from the alcohol itself. Many of our favorite
cocktails are loaded with sugar and calories. 4 ounces of some daiquiri or margarita mixers have 35 or more grams of sugar and around 200 calories.

Instead, opt for these delicious skinny cocktail recipes from Self.com.

Cosmopolitan: With only 110 calories and 4 carbs per serving, you can sip on this classic guilt free.


8 oz light cranberry juice

6 oz vodka

5 ice cubes

2 oz fresh lime juice

1 table spoon grated orange zest


In a cocktail shaker, combine cranberry juice, vodka, ice, lime juice and grated zest; close and shake well. Strain liquid into 4 chilled martini glasses; garnish each with 1 zest slice.

Mojito: Enjoy the minty, fresh twing of this cocktail favorite for only 151 calories per drink.


4 limes, cut into wedges

½ cup packed mint, plus 4 springs for garnish

¼ cup sugar

2 teaspoons grated lime zest

16 oz lime sparkling water

6 oz white rum

Ice cubes


In a pitcher, place lime wedges, mint leaves, sugar and zest. Mash mint, sugar and zest into limes with a muddler or wooden spoon to release juice and blend flavors. Stir in sparkling water and rum. Divide evenly among 4 glasses filled with ice; garnish
with mint sprigs.


-Emily Freeman

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