I really love saving money.  I get such a strange little excitement from doing so, that I am constantly on the look out for ways I can save a buck or two.  My latest discovery has been Amazon Mom.  Each week they have specials on fabulous name brand baby products. 

The biggest deal I have found here is on diapers.  They sell name brand diapers for 30% off retail price.  In order to score this deal you have to sign up for their “subscribe and save” option.  Basically this just sends you diapers on a repeating status.  You pick the timeframe, and you can always cancel it after the first shipment.  If 30% off isn’t enough for you, you can always add coupons on top of this deal.  It gets slightly more complicated, but can be done.  First try searching Amazon itself for their coupon book.  You will almost always find a diaper coupon in there. 

In addition to that, some parenting magazines (Parents Magazine, Fit Pregnancy, and American Baby to name a few) occasionally have coupons for Amazon in them too.  This can save you an additional 20% or so, depending on the coupons.  It is a pretty sweet deal if you take the time to learn how it all works out.  Not to mention the other deals on baby gear that you’ll get for being a member of Amazon Mom, and membership is free.  You will get emails stating that you will receive an extra percent off toys, or clothes, or whatever the case might be.  I am excited to see what kinds of deals they will offer closer to Christmas.  Keep in mind though, that if you are lucky and your kids fit well into generic diapers, this still might be a cheaper route!

-Stephanie Wright

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