Most of us don’t have access to a cow, or the space for one, and the days of the crisply, white-suited milkman may be numbered, but fresh, frothy milk delivered to your doorstep (or made in your kitchen for that matter) isn’t as arcane a notion as you might believe.

Although these days, milk doesn’t mean quite what it used to. There are so many non-dairy alternatives—soy, rice, almond, ad infinitum.  My personal favorite is almond milk, which is a great alternative to dairy and a healthy component for any smoothie or shake.

A single serving of no-sugar added almond milk can have as little as 40 calories. Plus, for the sake of vanity, it’s great for your skin.  Pure almond milk contains 50% of our recommended daily value of Vitamin E. This powerful nutrient has antioxidant abilities in that it helps regulate Vitamin A use and availability. 

But you don’t have to buy it off the shelves of your local grocer.

The Mylkman based in Los Angeles, is just one company with a new take on fresh, home milk delivery.  This particular blend of almond milk is made with cracked coconuts and raw organic almonds, so it packs a punch protein, electrolytes, potassium, calcium, iron, Vitamin E, and magnesium. 

And making homemade almond milk is actually really simple, and produces a deliciously creamy beverage with minimal effort and few ingredients.

Almond Milk Recipe


        1.5 cups whole blanched almonds or other whole raw almonds

        4 cups water

        1 tsp vanilla extract

        1.5 tbsp maple syrup or honey

        Dash cinnamon

Equipment needed:


        Metal strainer


For detailed instructions on how to make almond milk visit:

They have a great step-by-step description and pictorial.  You’ll be sipping on the nuts of your labor in no time.

-Arianna Schioldager

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