Every couple months a new superfood trend emerges. This winter it’s Ginger Root (which seems perfectly seasonal).  Ginger Root is considered a medicinal food in Indian, Middle Eastern and Chinese cultures, and has long been associated with relieving symptoms of gastrointestinal unease, among others including…

Benefits of Ginger Root

It has incredibly soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds known as ginerols. If you’re feeling the aches of arthritis, it helps to improve circulation and circumvent pain related to inflammation in the joints of tissues.

It can soothe an upset stomach and reduce nausea (even in expecting mothers).

Great for glowing skin (which we could all use help with in winter).

Helps promote healthy sweating, which is beneficial to those suffering from winter colds and flus. A healthy sweat can help detoxify the body and some research has shown that it actually helps fight off infection.

AND Did you know: One teaspoon of dried ginger has as high an antioxidant level as a cup full of fresh spinach. But would you ever make yourself a cup of spinach tea? Chances are, no.  But Ginger Root tea, that’s another story.

Ginger Tea!


Fresh ginger root (only small amount is needed, and ginger root keeps well in the refrigerator for several weeks).

1 tablespoon Honey (optional)

1/2 fresh squeezed lemon juice (optional)


Cut a one-inch section from the ginger root with a sharp knife. Carefully peel the outer covering off of the ginger root and cut it into thin slices.

Boil four cups of water in the saucepan. Add the sliced ginger and reduce the heat to a simmer. Allow to simmer for approximately 15 minutes.

Strain the tea from the sliced ginger root into a teacup after 15 minutes of simmering.

Add a small amount of honey and/or freshly squeezed lemon to the ginger root tea if desired.

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