One recipe that was in a cook book gifted to us for the holidays last year was an awesome sweet potato mash. We put our own spin on it, and we really enjoy it. It’s pretty simple.
Wash the sweet potato, poke some holes in it with a fork, microwave it for 10 minutes. While that is happening, mix together orange marmalade, cilantro and lime juice on a cutting board. When the sweet potato is done, cut the skin off, and mash it together with your marmalade mix. Delicious! If you don’t have cilantro and lime juice, just adding marmalade to your mash is tasty as well.
We also make this amazing vegan sweet potato chili a couple of times a month. It’s always delicious, always filling, and keeps us happy without feeling stuffed.
Sweet potato fries are also on the menu as a little lunch snack (with a side salad, always tasty) and we make a chipotle vegan mayo dipping sauce to go with it. All you need is Vegan Mayo, a pinch of garlic powder, a pinch of chili powder, and a few splashes of your favorite hot sauce. Mix it all together, and add more spices to taste.
We haven’t made this yet, but we have it on our list. Maple, cinnamon and citrus? Yes please!
Also, this sweet potato hummus. Never even heard of making this dip with sweet potato, so it’s pretty much guaranteed we will be trying this recipe out soon.
Any sweet potato recipes you suggest we try? Leave them in the comment section so we can get on it!
-Sasha Huff
I too became obsessed with sweet potatoes, but for me it manifested itself in a comparison of types of sweet potatoes make the best baby food. See the results here http://littleonesfood.com/sweet-potato-comparison/
Diana Faryniarz
Sweet Potatoes are the bomb