I love Halloween even though I might not dress up anymore or go Trick-or-Treating but I love the decorations and the fun goodies that come along with it.  I was looking for something fun to cook up and just loved these adorable “Wicked Witch Cupcakes” on Martha Stewart’s website.  They are perfect for a Halloween party at the kid’s school, home, or office!


Makes 12


  1. Using a melon baller, scoop out the center of each cupcake, and fill with mini M&Ms, if desired.
  2. Cover the tops of each cupcake with a generous mound (about 1/3 cup) of buttercream. Insert one candy corn into each cupcake to form a nose. Using brown mini M&Ms, insert two into each cupcake to form eyes. Place two short lengths of licorice above the eyes to form eyebrows for the witch. Place the shorter licorice lengths above the eyebrows to form bangs. Place an inverted cone on top of bangs, pressing gently into buttercream to adhere. Place the longer licorice lengths under the cone hat to form the hair.

For more fun Halloween inspired ideas, check out Halloween Central on www.MarthaStewart.com.

-Jessica Brown

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