Over this long and chilly weekend in LA (yes, it does get cold here!), we lit a fire, made hot chocolate and some delicious cookies to snack on.  I will admit, I did not make these cookies from scratch, but bought them at Williams-Sonoma.  Being Gluten Intolerant, I am normally bad and eat things with Gluten and then regret it later.  To my suprise, these delicious cookies from the Bouchon Bakery are Gluten Free!

If you are an avid reader of this site, you will know that Thomas Keller is my favorite chef and I love just about everything that he makes.  That made this discovery at Williams-Sonoma that much more exciting, because not only are these Bouchon cookies, but Gluten Free to boot!   Most GF foods have a chalky taste and are just not good, but these were moist and delicious and I didn’t stop at just one! 

If you are on a GF or just like to try something new, these are the cookies for you.  The Gluten free variety are only available in the Chocolate Chunk, while the ones with Gluten are available in more varietys.  Those include Chocolate Chunk, Double Chocolate, Shortbread, and Oatmeal Raisin.  

For more information , please visit the Williams-Sonoma site.

-Jessica Brown

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