A once-monthly injection of the opioid addiction drug buprenorphine has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “Millions of Americans are suffering from addiction to opioid drugs, and millions more are worried that the overdose epidemic could claim the lives of a friend or loved one,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said Thursday…  read on >

Think cigars are safer than cigarettes? Think again, new research warns. Nicotine levels in so-called “small” or “filtered” cigars were found to be equal to or greater than that found in cigarettes, according to the study by researchers at Penn State’s College of Medicine. “There seems to be a perception in the public that cigars…  read on >

Ogivri (trastuzumab-dkst) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as the nation’s first biosimilar drug to treat certain breast and stomach cancers, the agency said Friday in a news release. The maker of a biosimilar, derived from a living organism, must demonstrate that the new product is “highly similar” to an already…  read on >

Bacterial resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin may have begun years before doctors started prescribing it in the early 1960s, a new study suggests. Ampicillin, a broad-spectrum penicillin, is widely used to treat many bacterial infections, including bladder and ear infections, pneumonia and gonorrhea. Resistance was likely triggered by overuse of penicillin in livestock in North…  read on >

All prescribers of opioid pain medications — not just high-volume prescribers — play a role in the U.S. epidemic of opioid abuse and overdoses, a new study says. Deaths from drug overdoses in the United States rose from about 52,000 in 2015 to more than 64,000 in 2016. Most of those deaths involved opioids, including…  read on >

The majority of children growing up in America today will be obese by age 35, a new computer analysis predicts. The study’s lead author, Zachary Ward, described the forecast as “sobering.” But, he added, “It should not be surprising that we are heading in this direction. We are already approaching this level of adult obesity…  read on >

Many older Americans take multiple medications — but only about one-third ever discuss possible interactions between drugs, a new poll finds. This could endanger their health, researchers said. “Interactions between drugs, and other substances, can put older people at a real risk of everything from low blood sugar to kidney damage and accidents caused by…  read on >

Even if he’s a good boy, don’t put bone treats in your dog’s stocking this holiday season because they can pose a serious health risk to your pooch, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. The FDA said it has received reports of 68 pet illnesses and 15 deaths caused by bone treats. The reports…  read on >

Patients used to see doctors as kindly-but-firm professionals — experts who knew what they were talking about and whose advice should be heeded, even if it wasn’t necessarily welcome. But these days, people have become demanding health care consumers, and they don’t respond well when a doctor disagrees with them, a new study shows. The…  read on >

Not all snacks are bad for you, so it’s a good idea to avoid foods that are loaded with sugar and have virtually no nutritional value. The U.S. National Institute on Aging offers these healthier snack suggestions: Have an ounce of cheese with some whole-grain crackers, a container of low-fat yogurt or some low-fat popcorn.…  read on >