Houseplants 2 for 1You’ve tried your gloved hands at gardening and, no matter what soil or plants you buy, everything is brown not blooming by mid-summer. Does this sound like your gardening experience? You’re not alone with your black thumb. Everyone enjoys a little greenery (and extra oxygen!) in their life, but it can be difficult to maintain it. If you’ve avoided the greenhouse or your windowsill until now, we’ve got good news with these five easy-to-care-for (Girl Scouts honor!) plants:

Aloe Vera (Indoor or Outdoor)

In good news, an aloe vera plant is in greater danger of being overwatered than underwatered. You want to make sure your aloe plant is in a good pot and soil for draining and then you can water it once every a month or so, or whenever the soil really starts to dry out. They love sunlight, but if you keep them directly in it they begin to turn brown. No worries if this happens, just bring them back into indirect sunlight where they are happiest. Depending on the climate you live in, your aloe can live outside all year if it’s sunny and warm, or escape back inside during colder winter months. Beyond being incredibly easy to care for, aloe leaves can be broken open to help heal your sunburn among many other uses.

Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Indoor)

Or its less fun name: sansevieria laurentii. Mother-in-law’s tongue is able to handle dark corners with very little water…and we won’t make any jokes about its tough demeanor! If you follow apartment or home blogs you might have noticed these guys hanging out under bathroom sinks to add a little extra beauty to the room. They can handle shade and sun and require very little water.

Jade (Indoor or Outdoor)

Jade plants deep green, smooth, and oval-shaped leaves are beautiful to watch grow. A jade plant will do well in your kitchen or office with some direct sunlight and some shade throughout the day. Allow their soil to dry out between waterings. If brown spots or shedding occur this is an indication that the plant needs more water. During the winter months you can water it less. Jade plants can be transported outside during warm months or kept outside all year depending on your climate.

Santa Barbara Daisy (Outdoor)

Who wouldn’t love little white and pink daisies around their yard? The Santa Barbara Daisy is especially easy to care for. They’re not finicky about their soil, they can do fine in full sun or partial shade, and you can plant them any time of year. They’re great for filling up blank areas and, ask any green thumb, are nearly impossible to kill.

Spider Plant (Indoor)

These dangling plants look great in a hanging basket or on a raised surface with room to grow. They require a little more watering to keep their soil evenly moist, but nothing excessive. Keep spider plants in medium to bright light. They will let you know how they’re doing: brown leaf tips mean the water is contaminated or their soil is dry. Trim the brown leafs with scissors and use rainwater or distilled water in place of tap water if the leaves continue to brown.

Now, invite your friend with the colorful garden over to marvel at your healthy and happy beauties!

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