As the school year starts, it is important for parents to recognize the signs of bullying. offers these suggestions for parents with
school-age children:

  • Recognize thewarning signsthat your child is involved in bullying.Whether your child is being bullied or is bullying, it’s important to discuss the issue with your child.
  • Learnwhat bullying isandwhat it is not. Some behaviors that look like bullying may be just as serious, but may require different a response.
  • Identify the type of bullying that’s occurring. Cyberbullying requires a different strategy than face-to-face bullying.
  • If you suspect bullying has occurred, find out exactly what happenedso you can communicate with the child’s school.
  • Research and understand state and federal anti-bullying laws.
  • If you need assistance,contact

Source: HealthDay

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