Ahh smoothies, a healthful snack (most of the time) and glorious during the summer months.  The problem is, when I have them in the winter my hands get so cold!  So, my question is this: Do you love hot chocolate and smoothies?  You do, well then great!  The thought of having these two together never crossed my mind until I came across a recipe this morning by Dr. Ben Kim.

According to Dr. Kim, this recipe is rich in flavonoids and potassium, nutrients that are essential to supporting the health of your cardiovascular system.  Check it out!


3/4 cup hot chocolate made by mixing 3/4 cup hot water and 2-3 teaspoons of raw, organic chocolate powder
1 ripe banana (smooshed up)
Small pinch grated nutmeg
Small pinch ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons honey (optional)


Combine all ingredients in a good blender and process into a hot chocolate smoothie.

Enjoy this warm and soothing hot chocolate drink.

-Jessica Brown

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