The inevitable problem with New Years is that you probably want to party the night before. So you wake up with a pounding head and bemoan (and slightly rejoice) your wicked indiscretion, and feel like you’ve already failed.

Before you know it, it’s 15 days in and you haven’t lived up to one resolution set.

January 1 is just a date, and in the grand scheme of dates and numbers, this one doesn’t have to be the starting point.

In fact, you can start today (and make leeway for New Year’s Eve—it’s just like budgeting).

15 minutes a day of exercise. The goals we set for ourselves are too lofty. I’m going to juice fast. I’m going to yoga every day. The reality is, this isn’t possible for the every person. If you have a part of your body that you don’t like, pick an exercise and do it for 15 minutes a day. If you want a higher booty, do 15 minutes of squats. If you want to sculpt your arms, do 15 minutes of free weights. By the time the New Year rolls around you will be well on your way to a body you love.

Sunday’s are for desserts. It’s the rule of thumb that mom stuck by, but you don’t have to stick with Sunday. You could pick Monday—which happens to be Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. That means you can enjoy sweets on those days without the guilt.

Read a chapter a night. Everyone vows to read more, but where to find the time? The problem isn’t really time, it’s that we look at books as wholes. Break it into a chapter a night (an opt to not watch Hulu on your iPad) and come 2013 you’ll have a new book until your belt.


-Arianna Schioldager


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