There is a movement going on, and I’m sure you’ve noticed it on the fingers and toes of women around you. Manicures and pedicures have transformed into the bolder, funkier, Lady Gaga version of themselves. Bright colors, fun polish combinations, and creative nail trends have seriously glamorized the nail game, for women of all ages.

The first step is to pick a two colors that complement each other well. The pairings below are excellent couples:

Color Wheel Pairs
Opposites attract! Colors that are directly opposite of each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange, or green and pink, are flattering together.

Matte & Shimmer
If you want to get in touch with your inner Beyonce, pair a matte shade with a glittery jewel tone, like lilac and gold. It will be glamorous, without being over the top.

Neon & Neutral
This is the shy husband and flashy housewife couple of the nail world. Pair an electric neon shade with a muted grey, nude, or beige.

Once you have your two colors, the second step is to decide how to use them. Here are two ideas:

Color block
Pair both colors on each nail, in whatever geometric pattern you want. The trick is to first paint your nail white first, so that the colors pop. After the white coat has dried, paint your entire nail with one color, and then paint a segment of your nail with the 2nd color.

Highlight the Accent nail
Keep 3 or 4 of your nails on each hand and/or foot the same color, and then paint the remaining nails with your second color. If you want to get extra funky, you can add a different pattern to the accent nails as well.

-Shalyn Tharayil

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