momandaughterI haven’t worked an 8am to 5pm job in many years because I have been fortunate enough not to have to, but recently I was offered a position in a field in which I am licensed to work, so I decided to take an unexpected step and try it out again.

I still go to school and work on anything I can from home in order to make myself available to my children when they need me– especially before and after school.

My first day back on the job it was business as usual in the morning. Everyone went off to school and I went to work.

The kids were OK with it and were going to help me out as much as they could, but nothing could prepare me for what a shift it was.

It was already dark (thanks time change!) by the time I was on my way home. Our house was closed up, all of the curtains were pulled shut, and the lights were all on. When I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door, my youngest son, who is the momma’s boy of the house, opened the door and yelled, “Mom, I really missed you today at school can you please never leave me again?” He just about broke my heart!!

It really makes me appreciate the time I have had home with them even more. It really is a great thing to be able to be home with your kids when they’re little because they are only little for so long.

We have to always cherish and remember every moment whether it’s good or bad.

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