An epi-pen may be a lifesaving injection for a person with severe allergies. But the device must be cared for and stored properly. Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) suggests how to care for your epi-pen: Store it away from direct light. Store it at room temperature. Do not refrigerate it or allow it to…  read on >

There’s another study suggesting that the vitamin and mineral supplements bought by millions of Americans do nothing to stave off heart disease. This time, the finding stems from an analysis of 18 studies conducted between 1970 and 2016. Each one looked at how vitamins and mineral supplements — which are not reviewed by the U.S.…  read on >

Your surroundings can play a big role when it comes to overeating. Learning how you respond in various circumstances can help you curb the calories. One study showed that people eat and drink less when their dinnerware is red — and more when it’s blue — because red acts like a stop sign. But another…  read on >

Doctors and pain specialists have been turning to anticonvulsive drugs for treatment of lower back pain more often over the past decade. There’s just one problem — these drugs don’t really help. A series of clinical trials have shown that anticonvulsants are no good at easing either lower back pain or nerve pain shooting down…  read on >

Though you may face challenges if you’re carrying excess weight or haven’t been active in a long time, you can still get fit and gain all the benefits that exercise has to offer. The easiest way to get started is with walking because it’s low-impact and low-risk, and all you need is a pair of…  read on >

It can happen when you’re traveling on business, running late to an appointment, or are simply running out of time to make dinner. You’re facing fast food or no food. Use these tips to make the most of this meal. Start by looking for the lowest calorie selections. Some restaurants list the calories and fat…  read on >

Get up off of the couch: Sitting too much may kill you even if you exercise regularly. If you sit for six hours a day or more, your risk of dying early jumps 19 percent, compared with people who sit fewer than three hours, an American Cancer Society study suggests. And, the study authors added,…  read on >

Along with sun and fun, there’s unexpected danger lurking during the summer. More accidental deaths occur in the United States during July and August than during any other two-month period of the year, according to the National Safety Council. “Unfortunately, when we look at accidental deaths, summer is not the carefree period we’d like it…  read on >

You may know to keep tomatoes out of the fridge to preserve their taste, but did you know which pantry staples actually do better under refrigeration? While many of the following foods may stay fresh for up to six months under “ideal” conditions — in a cool, dark pantry — that’s not always possible, especially…  read on >

Parents should play an active role in ensuring that their kids develop healthy eating habits to prevent too much weight gain. Excessive weight gain is associated with health issues such as breathing problems, type 2 diabetes, joint pain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases…  read on >