People diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show a marked decline in their two-year risk for death once they start taking medication, new research shows. That was particularly true for deaths due to accidents and drug overdose. People taking ADHD drugs also showed no higher risk of dying from natural causes — suggesting the meds…  read on >  read on >

When states let gun owners carry a firearm openly without a permit, death rates soar. Significantly more people died by firearms and suicides in states that have relaxed open carry laws, a nine-year study of death data from all 50 states shows.  “Our analysis suggests that because of the change in the law, which provides…  read on >  read on >

Americans living in areas where primary care doctors and nurse practitioners are in short supply face a greater risk for emergency surgeries and complications, new research shows. They’re also more likely to wind up back in the hospital after they’ve left it. That’s because serious health issues don’t get addressed until they become emergencies, said…  read on >  read on >

During the past half-century, the United States’ annual number of school shootings has increased more than twelvefold, a new study finds. What’s more, children are now four times more likely to be a school shooting victim, and the death rate from school shootings has risen more than sixfold. “Firearm violence is a public health crisis,…  read on >  read on >

Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata: Millions of bleary-eyed Americans turn to this class of so-called “Z-drugs” to get restful sleep. But how do these drugs work, and do they come with risks? Experts at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have issued an advisory to boost awareness about the meds. All of these medications —  generically known…  read on >  read on >

Living close to trees and other greenery could be keeping your bones strong, a new 12-year study suggests. Folks whose residences were near spots deemed “green” by satellite imagery tended to have better bone density than those who lived elsewhere, Chinese researchers found. Reductions in air pollution seemed key to greenery’s benefit for bones, according…  read on >  read on >