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Older voters are keenly interested in the cost of health care, a new survey has found. Five of the top six health issues among older adults have to do with health care costs, according to new data from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging. “There have been efforts in recent years to…  read on >  read on >

Child safety experts have warned about the sometimes lethal dangers of toy water beads. Now, a report finds a doubling in just one year of U.S. pediatric ER visits linked to the products. “The number of pediatric water bead-related emergency department visits is increasing rapidly,” said study senior author Dr. Gary Smith, who directs of…  read on >  read on >

Want to be a better, more effective mom or dad? Trying sharing a good laugh with your kid. New research among folks ages 18 to 45 found many citing humor as one of the reasons they had, and continue to have, a positive relationship with their parents. “My hope is that people can learn to…  read on >  read on >

Not all babies born prematurely will suffer long-term developmental problems, a new study finds. Preemies tend to fall into three risk categories, with about one in five (20%) scoring above average on standard cognitive tests, researchers reported Aug. 13 in the journal Child Development. A second profile representing 41% of preemies scored above normal on…  read on >  read on >

Eating a healthy diet that dampens inflammation in the body could lower your odds for dementia, especially if you already have heart risk factors, a new Swedish study shows. So-called anti-inflammatory diets focus on foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and beans and include heart-healthy regimens such as the Mediterranean diet. In a study…  read on >  read on >