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The arthritis drug tocilizumab doesn’t help hospital patients with severe COVID-19, according to a new study that contradicts earlier research suggesting that it might aid recovery. In fact, patients receiving tocilizumab had a higher risk of death, so the trial was halted early. Tocilizumab blocks a part of the immune system (interleukin 6) that can…  read on >  read on >

While children are less susceptible to illness with the new coronavirus, they are nearly 60% more likely than adults over 60 to infect other family members when they are sick, a new study shows. The findings show the need to conduct COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy studies in children, according to co-senior study author Yang…  read on >  read on >

You may think that cats crave the plants catnip and silver vine because it makes them feel euphoric, and that’s true. Yet new research indicates felines also use the plants for another key reason: to keep mosquitoes at bay. Silver vine, a catnip alternative, grows in China and Japan. Researchers began by identifying that one…  read on >  read on >

Just over 200,000 Americans have the autoimmune disorder lupus, and minority women are at highest risk, according to a new study. It’s the first estimate of how widespread the disease is in the United States. The number comes close to reclassifying lupus as a rare disease, defined as an illness affecting 200,000 Americans or fewer,…  read on >  read on >

Menopause is known to bring a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia. Yet, for those who have a condition known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), it is much worse, researchers report. The new study examined the impact of POI, in which ovarian function stops and leads to menopause before the age…  read on >

Women who have COVID-19 during childbirth are more likely to face complications than moms-to-be without the coronavirus, researchers say. Fortunately, the absolute risk for complications for any one woman is very low (less than 1%). But the relative risks for problems — such as clotting and early labor — are significant, the new study found.…  read on >  read on >

Kids with diabetes can lead full, fun lives, but they have special needs. Here’s what parents should know. Diabetes is common among American children. More than 205,000 kids and teens have the disease, and cases are rising. Age makes a difference in the type of diabetes a child is likely to have. “Most children younger…  read on >  read on >