All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

COVID-19 symptoms can last a long time in pregnant women, researchers say. The new study included 594 pregnant women (average age 31) across the United States who tested positive for the new coronavirus but were not hospitalized. Nearly one-third were health care workers. On average, the women were about 24 weeks’ pregnant when they joined…  read on >

The truly scary thing about Halloween this year is that it’s occurring during a pandemic, but there are safe ways to celebrate, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says. Suggestions include: virtual costume parties; physically distant, outdoor costume parades; Halloween-themed craft making; movie nights at home; decorating pumpkins; and making favorite treats. “Many kids look…  read on >

The so-called love hormone, oxytocin, may be worth investigating as a treatment for COVID-19, a new study suggests. One of the most serious complications of infection with the new coronavirus is a “cytokine storm,” in which the body attacks its own tissues. There are currently no U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatments for COVID-19, which…  read on >

Learning to play a musical instrument helps fine-tune kids’ brains, researchers say. In a new study, 40 children (aged 10 to 13) performed memory and attention tasks while their brain activity was monitored with functional MRI. This type of imaging scan detects small changes in blood flow within the brain. Twenty of the children played…  read on >

The type of heating coil used in an e-cigarette and the amount of voltage sent through it could be contributing to vaping-related lung injuries, a new animal study contends. Laboratory rats suffered lung injuries when exposed to vapor from devices using high-powered heating coils made of nickel-chromium alloy, something that did not occur in earlier…  read on >

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Wednesday that it is seeking emergency approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for an experimental antibody cocktail given to President Donald Trump shortly after he was diagnosed with COVID-19. Hours before the company made the announcement, Trump proclaimed in a video released by the White House that the drug…  read on >