All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

If your teenager won’t cooperate, Mom, it might just be your tone of voice. Speaking in a controlling tone unleashes a range of negative emotions in your son or daughter and pushes him or her away, researchers warn. For the study of more than 1,000 14- and 15-year-olds, British researchers asked mothers to give their…  read on >

Love those artichoke appetizers you get at restaurants but stop in your tracks when you see them on display at the store? Yes, artichokes look intimidating, but once you know the secret of artichoke prep, you’ll look for opportunities to prepare them at home. Artichokes, a plant in the thistle family, are one of the…  read on >

When you hear the word diet, you might think only of weight loss. But a lifestyle diet can bring even greater benefits. One option that belongs on your radar is the MIND diet created by researchers at Rush University in Chicago. MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It’s a hybrid of those two…  read on >

The normal range for a resting heart rate is between 60 and 90 beats per minute, says Harvard Medical School. An increase in the resting heart rate over time can be a sign of future heart trouble. To lower your resting heart rate, the school suggests: Exercise every day. Practice stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation.…  read on >

Hot flashes are often felt by women who are going through menopause and perimenopause, says Cleveland Clinic. More than two-thirds of menopausal women in North America have hot flashes, the clinic says. To relieve hot flashes, Cleveland Clinic suggests identifying and avoiding triggers. Common ones include heat, smoking, caffeine, sugar, spicy foods, alcohol or stress.…  read on >

High blood pressure is a risk factor for many serious health threats, such as heart attack and stroke. The most recent guidelines from the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology and other health organizations reflect research findings that lowering the threshold for high blood pressure and starting treatment earlier does a better job…  read on >

Love the taste of hot wings, but looking for something healthier? If you’re a fan of this game day favorite, you’ll go wild over Buffalo cauliflower. Making the simple swap from chicken wings to cauliflower gets more veggies into your diet and adds a world of nutrition. Cauliflower is a superfood rich in a long…  read on >

Could living near the coast be an inexpensive balm for mental troubles? “Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders,” said researcher Dr. Jo Garrett, from the University of Exeter, in England. “When it comes to mental health, this…  read on >

In recent years, the number of U.S. adults getting total hip replacements — meaning both a new ball and joint socket — following a hip fracture has soared to an estimated 500,000 annually. That’s nearly three times the rate at which these adults undergo a partial hip replacement, which only replaces the ball of the…  read on >

Applying to college can be a stressful experience for teens, says Hillside Treatment Center. Made worse by other sources of stress — such as homework and extracurricular activities — anxiety during this time is common. To ease college application anxiety, Hillside Treatment Center encourages parents to: Create realistic expectations. Avoid comparing your child to others.…  read on >