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Feelings of nausea after eating may be related to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, or a neurological or hormonal issue, says Cleveland Clinic. So it’s important to tell your doctor about your health history. Cleveland Clinic says other possible causes of nausea after eating include: Diabetes or gallbladder disease. Medication. A stomach bug or food…  read on >

Nicotine typically is as addictive as heroin, says the University of California San Francisco. Within minutes of smoking, the brain releases chemicals that give users a rush. Smokers then get hooked on this pleasant feeling. And when people stop smoking, withdrawal side effects commonly appear. The school mentions these signs of nicotine withdrawal: Anxiety or…  read on >

Hand swelling during exercise is a common issue. Exercise increases blood flow to your heart, lungs and working muscles and may reduce blood flow to your hands. Experts believe reduced blood flow may lead to widening blood vessels in the hand, and subsequent swelling, says Mayo Clinic. To ease hand swelling discomfort related to exercise,…  read on >

About 7 percent of Americans are affected by social anxiety disorder, a mental illness in which a person feels uncontrollable fear during social situations. These instances may range from answering a question in class to talking to a cashier at a grocery store. Often, people with social anxiety disorder are afraid of being humiliated, judged…  read on >

Surprisingly, we’re still on a learning curve when it comes to the availability of electronic health records, the digital way to access what used to be paper-only files. You have a legal right to records held by doctors, hospitals and other providers. But many people don’t know how to get them — or even that…  read on >

Looking for a tasty seafood dip for your next family gathering? Everyone will love this baked crab classic that’s been given a healthy makeover. Crab is a great source of protein and makes an excellent base for a dip. It’s low in calories and high in vitamin B12 and a variety of minerals. While fresh…  read on >

Smoking is a notoriously tough habit to quit, but a new study suggests it is far harder for women to stop than it is for men. Why? The researchers point to a higher prevalence of anxiety and depression in women, which might interfere with even the best intentions to kick the habit. And one expert…  read on >

Unpaid bills, overdrawn accounts, dwindling investments: When seniors begin experiencing fiscal troubles, early dementia or Alzheimer’s disease could be an underlying cause, researchers say. In the early stages of the disease, people with undiagnosed Alzheimer’s are at high risk of making foolish and dangerous decisions about their finances, mostly because families may not know they…  read on >

Determining if you have a cold, the flu or an allergy can be difficult when you’re having common symptoms, such as sneezing or a sore throat. The common symptoms reflect that each condition affects your respiratory system, says the National Institutes of Health. While both colds and flus can cause congestion, cough and sore throat,…  read on >