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From Florida hurricanes to California wildfires, these events are reminders of the need to have a family natural disaster plan in place, no matter where you live. The following steps will help you be prepared for an evacuation due to fire or flooding, whether the source is environmental or starts in your own home. Start…  read on >

Working around high levels of pesticides may translate into a high risk for heart trouble later, a new study suggests. That was the case for a group of Japanese-American men in Hawaii who were followed for more than three decades. Compared to men who had not worked around pesticides, those who had the greatest exposure…  read on >

Could male infertility contribute to a higher risk for prostate cancer? Yes, according to new Swedish research that suggests that men who become fathers through assisted reproduction treatments may be more likely to develop prostate cancer in midlife. The conclusion follows a review of data collected by a Swedish national registry between 1994 and 2014.…  read on >

Here’s a compelling reason to keep those dreaded appointments with your dentist: New research suggests that red, tender or bleeding gums could trigger high blood pressure. In a review of 81 studies that included more than 250,000 people, U.K. scientists found that those who had moderate to severe gum disease (periodontitis) had a 22% increased…  read on >

In the largest investigation of its kind, researchers conclude that subjecting prostate cancer patients to radiation therapy immediately after surgery doesn’t give them an advantage in staying cancer-free. The finding stems from a review of four studies that together tracked outcomes for more than 3,500 prostate cancer patients from multiple countries. If the findings help…  read on >

Just because a hurricane passes your area doesn’t mean the worst isn’t yet to come, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. To stay safe in the aftermath of a hurricane, the CDC suggests: If the power is out, use flashlights instead of candles. Do not use any wet electrical devices. Do not…  read on >

Walking speed may indicate whether young stroke survivors are ready to return to work, a new study suggests. And 3 feet per second may be the threshold that predicts whether they can meet a workday’s challenges, the researchers found. One of every four people who has a stroke is younger than 65 years old. As…  read on >

Love the taste of wild rice, but aren’t sure how to make it yourself? It’s easier than you think once you know how to prep and cook it the correct way. Wild rice is not actually rice, but rather the seed of an aquatic grass. It’s a Native American food that has a delicious, chewy…  read on >

Research published in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics highlights two important steps for improving diet and exercise habits. The first is getting practical and personalized tips for making changes that you’ll permanently adopt. The second is developing the inner motivation needed to help make the first step stick. The study recruited adults from a…  read on >

Eating too much meat can make you sick, says New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Too much red meat — especially processed meats like sausages, bacon, salami and hot dogs — contribute to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Overeating animal products often means the underconsumption of fiber, which is only found in plant-based foods. Fiber…  read on >