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When it comes to convincing your kids that vegetables taste good, variety might be the key to success. New research suggests that offering children more than one type of vegetable may improve the chances that they’ll eat a greater amount. The study included 32 families with children aged 4 to 6 who didn’t eat many…  read on >

Novartis, the maker of a generic form of the popular heartburn drug Zantac, said Wednesday it will cease distribution of the medicine after investigations suggested that generic and branded versions contain a known carcinogen. A distribution halt is not the same as a full recall, and it means that generic Zantac (ranitidine) remaining on store…  read on >

Reactive hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar after a meal, says Mayo Clinic. The condition has a variety of causes, from drinking alcohol to metabolic disorders. People with reactive hypoglycemia may have symptoms including weakness, shakiness and lightheadedness. To manage reactive hypoglycemia, Mayo Clinic suggests: Eating a balanced diet with lean meat, fiber, whole grains,…  read on >

Being underweight may be associated with health problems such as anemia and fertility issues, says the American Academy of Family Physicians. The academy mentions healthier ways to gain weight: Add healthier calories to your diet by eating nuts, seeds and cheeses. Eat high-protein meats. Enjoy snacks that contain protein and healthier carbohydrates. Eat small meals…  read on >

While you can take Social Security benefits at age 62 and get 75% of your maximum, waiting until you reach full retirement age (between age 66 and 67 depending on the year you were born) gets you much closer to the full amount. But the age at which Americans can collect the most dollars has…  read on >

Butternut squash, Brussels sprouts and apples are all amazing fall superfoods and the perfect reason to get cooking. Cheap and versatile, butternut squash is loaded with fiber and vitamin A. For an easy butternut squash mash, cut the squash in half, discard the seeds and roast for about 1 hour at 350 degrees. Scoop out…  read on >

Narcissism is not a good look at any age, but new research suggests it fades as people enter their 40s. However, the degree of decline in narcissism varies between individuals and can be related to their career and relationships, the researchers added. Overall, the “findings should bring comfort to those who are concerned that young…  read on >

The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most stressful events. But new research suggests that having a furry loved one still at home may help ease the pain. Investigators looked at 437 older adults, some of whom lost a spouse, either through divorce or death. They found that having a cat or…  read on >

There’s no shortage of reasons to get your omega-3s, which are abundant in fish and their oils. But high consumption of fish and their oils has created a shortage around the world. In addition, fish can be costly, and there are also concerns about toxins, like mercury, which affect many fatty fish to some degree.…  read on >

Everyone goes through moments of worry, but for some people, anxiety takes over their lives. How can you tell if you’re an average worrywart or if you might have an anxiety disorder? Your degree of distress is often a good indicator. Normal anxiety typically comes from a specific source of stress, like an upcoming job…  read on >