All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

If you spend a lot of nights watching the clock instead of sleeping, new research suggests you may need to be as concerned about your heart health as you are about lost shut-eye. People with genetic variants linked to insomnia have an increased risk of heart disease, heart failure and stroke, according to the study.…  read on >

A middle-aged woman had persistent symptoms that doctors couldn’t explain. Frustrated, she took an increasingly common route: a search through the internet. “Dr. Google” led the woman to specialists at Wake Forest University Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. There, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD). This…  read on >

Painful urination (dysuria) is the pain or discomfort associated with going to the bathroom, says Cleveland Clinic. It doesn’t refer to how often you urinate, although dysuria can be accompanied by frequent urination. Often, dysuria is associated with urinary tract infection. Other causes of painful urination include vaginal infection, inflammation of the urethra, prostate disease,…  read on >

To maintain a healthy weight, how much you eat is just as important as what you eat, says the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Your optimal portion size may or may not match the serving size listed on a product. It’s dependent on your age, weight and metabolism, among other factors.…  read on >

Planning for your children’s return to school this fall should include thinking about how to pack healthy lunches that they’ll enjoy. Try to include children in the process of creating their lunches, including buying food and packing (or helping pack) their lunches. This lets them make their own choices and helps them learn about nutrition,…  read on >

Healthy kids do better in school — something parents need to think about as they prepare for a new academic year. “As a parent and grandparent, I know that back-to-school time is a busy time. Yet, I encourage parents and students to be mindful of some health essentials to add to your to-do lists,” said…  read on >

Dairy foods have been getting a lot of attention from researchers in recent years, notably from studies done both jointly and separately by scientists at Harvard and Tufts universities. They looked at the relationship between full-fat dairy and the risks for heart disease and diabetes. A 3,000-participant study found that people who included dairy fat…  read on >

You might know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, but do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level? Experts at the American Heart Association think this number may be an even better gauge of heart health. Cardiorespiratory fitness shows how aerobically fit you are and how effectively your circulatory system sends oxygen throughout your body. Research…  read on >

Early to bed and early to rise? In its extreme form, this tendency is more common than previously believed, according to a new study. Going to sleep at 8 p.m. and waking up as early as 4 a.m. is called advanced sleep phase. It was believed to be rare, but this study concluded that it…  read on >