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Could a computer model pinpoint where measles outbreaks are likely to occur? That’s exactly what researchers did, accurately predicting some of the U.S. regions where measles might spread. Their predictions included counties in New York, Washington state and Oregon, where measles outbreaks are already raging. In total, 25 counties were identified as measles-prone. Not only…  read on >

Insect repellents can help prevent bug bites. But it’s important to take precautions when using them, says the City of New York. Precautions include: Follow the manufacturer’s directions. Apply a light coat to exposed skin. Do not apply repellent to skin that is under clothing. Do not apply repellent to cuts or wounds. Do not…  read on >

Fitness boxing is a popular way for adults to stay fit. Unlike regular boxing, fitness boxing does not involve sparring, so there is no risk of head trauma, says Harvard Medical School. Instead, participants throw punches at the air or at a punching bag. Harvard mentions these benefits: Increased upper-body strength. Better hand-eye coordination. Increased…  read on >

Few things are as distressing as baby’s cries when his or her first teeth are coming in, but it’s important to know what not to use to soothe that pain. Over the years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about many teething products, starting with over-the-counter gels and liquids containing benzocaine, which…  read on >

The loss of loved ones can hit the elderly particularly hard, but a new study suggests it’s anger, and not sadness, that may damage the aging body more. Anger can increase inflammation, which is linked with conditions such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis, the researchers said. “As most people age, they simply cannot do…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Could people struggling with obesity make headway in their efforts to shed pounds without having to go under the knife? New preliminary research suggests it’s possible: A non-surgical procedure may help moderately obese people lose weight — and keep it off. Unlike standard weight-loss surgery, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) requires no incision…  read on >

Though arts and crafts are fun activities for children, safety precautions should still be followed, says the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Safety rules when children are using art materials include: Keep food and drinks out of the art area. Adults should mix powdered and dusty materials. Wash hands after using art materials. Watch for…  read on >

Calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin. For healthy people, treatment is only necessary if a callus causes discomfort, says Mayo Clinic. Mayo suggests how to treat calluses at home: Use over-the-counter pads. Soak the area in water. Moisturize your skin. Wear comfortable socks and shoes. For most people, removing sources of friction causes calluses…  read on >

If you’re back on the dating scene after being in a monogamous relationship, know that STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, aren’t just a concern for teens and people in their 20s. STD rates are rising in older adults. STDs are usually caused by viruses or bacteria and can be spread from person to person through…  read on >

You don’t have to do hundreds of sit-ups and all manner of crunches to see abdominal muscle definition. The following moves are done standing and holding a weight, such as a 5-pound ball with an easy-to-grip handle. For the standing twist, feet are hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out to the sides for better balance.…  read on >