All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

If you find that you’re more motivated by working out under the guidance of a fitness instructor and like the idea of varying your workouts, taking classes is a great choice. With today’s wide variety of gym offerings, use these tips to decide on the best options for you. You’re likely to need a mix…  read on >

Many first-time mothers have mistaken ideas about managing the pain of childbirth, a new survey reveals. The survey, commissioned by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), included more than 900 U.S. mothers, 73 percent of whom had vaginal births. While many said they had less pain than feared, many went into labor with false ideas…  read on >

If you’re taking an antidepressant, you’re likely to gain weight, a new study out of Britain reports. That’s a finding that generated little surprise among mental health experts. “Psychiatrists have known about it, written about it and heard their patients talk about it for decades,” said Dr. Brian Keefe, a psychiatrist and medical director at…  read on >

Excessive weight gain is never a good idea for health. Now, new research supports the notion that putting on pounds raises cancer risks for middle-aged women. The study, which tracked more than 137,000 Norwegian women for 18 years, found that the odds of developing certain cancers rose as waistlines expanded. The take-home message: “maintaining stable…  read on >

Many ticks carry disease, so it’s important to remove a tick if it bites you and becomes embedded in your skin. The U.S. National Institutes of Health suggests how to safely remove a tick: Use fine-tipped tweezers. Grab the tick close to the skin and gently pull up to remove the entire tick. Don’t use…  read on >

Poison ivy rash can range from mild to severe. It typically appears 1 to 2 days after contact with the plant, and is caused by an oil called urushiol, to which most people are allergic. The American Academy of Family Physicians says you can help prevent a poison ivy rash by: Wearing protective clothing when…  read on >

Research shows that fasting on alternate days has health benefits, including lowering the amount of inflammation in the body. That’s important because inflammation has been linked to many chronic diseases and keeping it under control can increase longevity. And now there’s growing evidence that fasting can be an answer to weight loss, too. New approaches…  read on >

When you fire up the grill for your Memorial Day cookout, beware: Those tantalizing aromas hold an underestimated health risk. Grilling meats at a high temperature can produce cancer-causing compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). You can be exposed to significant PAH levels simply by breathing in the sweet scent of barbecue. A new study…  read on >

People with heart failure who are socially isolated are more likely to be hospitalized or die prematurely than those who feel connected to others, new research suggests. The study authors said screening heart failure patients to identify those who lack social support might help to improve outcomes. Previous studies have shown that social isolation may…  read on >

There’s preliminary research suggesting that abuse or neglect in childhood might have an effect on the quality of a man’s sperm. The study was small and can’t prove cause and effect. But researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston say it points to a way in which stress early in a man’s life…  read on >