All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Stem cell clinics are charging big money for knee arthritis “cures” and making extravagant claims about their therapies, a new study contends. A same-day injection for one knee costs thousands of dollars at these centers, according to a consumer survey taken of clinics across the United States. People are paying that kind of cash because…  read on >

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is believed caused by a hormonal imbalance that affects the release of a woman’s egg each month. The condition, which usually causes infertility, affects up to one in 10 women of childbearing age, the Office on Women’s Health says. The agency mentions these common symptoms of PCOS: Irregular menstrual cycle. Excess…  read on >

Being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease can be a scary experience. But getting enough information and support can help you conquer this difficult process. The National Institute on Aging suggests: Learn as much as possible about the disease. Schedule and keep regular medical appointments. Explore local support groups. Prepare for the future with legal, financial and…  read on >

Is your toddler always kicking and screaming? There’s a reason for much of it. Physical aggression, like pushing and hitting, is part of the learning process. This typically lasts from about one-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years of age, until children learn how to ask for a toy, for instance, rather than just grab it from another…  read on >

Few older Americans believe ordering more tests and drugs is the way to better health care, a new survey finds. Of the more than 2,000 respondents aged 50 to 80, just 14 percent thought that “more is better,” according to the National Poll on Healthy Aging. In fact, 54 percent said they believe that health…  read on >

In what could be a breakthrough in the world of organ transplants, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken kidneys from people infected with hepatitis C and safely transplanted them without transmitting the disease. The surgeries gave new kidneys to 10 donor recipients — just a handful of the more than 420,000 Americans who currently struggle with…  read on >

If your parents pushed you to diet as a teen, chances are you will do the same to your own children. New research suggests that when parents focus on a teen’s diet, it creates an unhealthy cycle that can harm generations to come. “Adolescents who received encouragement to diet from their parents were more likely…  read on >

The American College of Physicians (ACP) has issued new guidance on managing type 2 diabetes — including relaxing the long-term blood sugar target called hemoglobin A1C. The A1C is a blood test that gives doctors an estimate of your blood sugar level average over the past few months. For most adults, the American Diabetes Association…  read on >

Warts are caused by a virus and can appear anywhere on your skin. When warts develop on your feet, they are called plantar warts. Walking barefoot raises your risk of developing plantar warts, which generally arm harmless but may spread and cause pain. The virus spreads readily in warm and moist environments, such as in…  read on >

Even when you are asleep, your brain continues to hear and process sound, the National Sleep Foundation says. Noise can wake you, shift you between different stages of sleep and even cause a change in your heart rate and blood pressure. It’s more likely that noise will affect sleep during sleep’s earlier stages. And it…  read on >