All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Sometimes, being too invested in just one sport may not be the best idea, new research shows. The study found that teen girls who focus only on one sport — in this case, soccer — tended to have more stress and poorer sleep than girls who also played other sports. The study couldn’t definitively “answer…  read on >

Although it’s becoming more commonplace, medical marijuana is rarely discussed in U.S. medical schools, a new study shows. “Medical education needs to catch up to marijuana legislation,” said senior author Dr. Laura Jean Bierut, a professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Physicians in training need to know the benefits…  read on >

Whether it’s to get your day going, a way to curb your appetite, or just a taste you love, you might insist on your daily coffee fix. But depending on what you add to it, that cup of joe can easily skyrocket from zero calories into the hundreds. And that could be as much as…  read on >