Tests for more than 700 chemicals in 38 waterways turned up surprising combinations with unknown effects read on >
Tests for more than 700 chemicals in 38 waterways turned up surprising combinations with unknown effects read on >
New report details costs of most popular plastic surgery procedures read on >
Researchers suggest that people who work out might develop ‘collateral’ blood vessels in the heart read on >
Dining suggestions for your youngster read on >
Signs you should see your doctor
read on >
Half of doctors’ work day is spent on a computer, study finds read on >
One tip: focus on American culture, researchers say read on >
Instead, your size and shape influence how the body releases heat and cools down, study finds read on >
Antibiotic-resistant germs no longer confined to hospitals, study warns read on >
Whites, middle-aged adults hardest hit, new report finds read on >