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Cutting back on late-night alcohol sales might help curb crime in violence-ridden neighborhoods, a new report claims. Murders dropped by half (51%) within a month after one Baltimore neighborhood limited alcohol hours of sale for bars and taverns, researchers report April 1 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. Further, violent crimes declined in the surrounding…  read on >  read on >

Cutting back on sodium is crucial to treating heart disease, but most heart patients aren’t able to limit their salt intake, a new study finds. On average, people with heart disease consume more than double the daily recommended amount of salt, researchers report. Sodium is essential for human health, but taking in too much can…  read on >  read on >

Menopause may cause a big shift in plaque buildup in women’s arteries, quickly bringing their heart risk to levels that equal men’s, a new study finds. “After menopause, women have much less estrogen and shift to a more testosterone-heavy profile,” explained study lead author Dr. Ella Ishaaya. “This affects the way your body stores fat,…  read on >  read on >

Patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder tend to see their conditions ease after four months on the ketogenic (“keto”) diet, a small pilot study finds. While no one is saying the diet should replace standard medications, the researchers believe it could provide additional help for some. “It’s very promising and very encouraging that you can…  read on >  read on >

The seeds of high blood pressure in adulthood might be sown in youth, a new study suggests. Children and teenagers with excess weight were more likely to have high blood pressure in middle age, researchers report. In fact, there’s a linear relationship between adult high blood pressure and childhood overweight and obesity, researchers found. The…  read on >  read on >