MONDAY, Sept. 24, 2018Reminding people to eat less or exercise usually gets their back up. That’s one reason why public health messages fall on deaf ears, researchers say. But investigators think they’ve found a better way. They suggest leaving your ego behind because it might open your mind to healthy activities that your natural defensiveness…  read on >

Exercising on a budget can be as simple as buying a good pair of walking shoes. But when you want to make an investment in fitness equipment, new options can make your workouts interactive as well as high-energy. Look for exercise bikes, treadmills and ellipticals that offer pre-set workouts, often with incline adjustments and/or increases…  read on >

If you have high cholesterol, you are at greater risk of developing a number of health problems, such as heart disease and stroke, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. High cholesterol often lacks symptoms, so cholesterol should be checked early in life, between ages 9 and 12, between ages 17 and 19,…  read on >

It may be tempting to squeeze a large pimple, but doing so could make the zit worse, skin doctors say. Up to 50 million Americans struggle with various forms of acne, particularly red, swollen, painful bumps that develop deep in the skin, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. There are better, more effective ways…  read on >

From a three-day bike race to raise awareness of a charitable cause, to adventure travel abroad, you can take exercise to a brand new level on a fitness trip. With no shortage of “fitcation” options available any time of year, start with some research, either by destination or by the activity you want to explore…  read on >

Different from osteoarthritis, which is the wear-and-tear breakdown of joint cartilage experienced over time, rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disease that causes both pain and intense fatigue. When you’re in the throes of a flare, exercise may seem like mission impossible and you might be advised to rest until it passes. But exercise…  read on >

There’s no shortage of creative excuses people come up with to stay stuck on the sofa, but three of them top the list. Here’s how to hurdle the obstacles standing between you and getting in shape. “I’m too tired to exercise.” Being too tired to work out is a common theme among procrastinators. And while…  read on >

FRIDAY, Sept. 14, 2018 (American Heart Association) — He kept it from family members, friends and employers. Some of Walter Washington’s children still don’t know their father struggles to read and write. But his doctors knew. The 64-year-old Dallas man told them because he didn’t want to risk taking the wrong dose of his diabetes…  read on >

Optimism and a sense of purpose can improve your heart health, new research suggests. Psychological well-being has cardiovascular benefits because people with a positive outlook are more inclined to lead a healthy lifestyle, the researchers concluded. Upbeat people are more likely to eat well, engage in physical activity, maintain social connections and avoid negative behaviors,…  read on >

Practicing yoga can bolster your overall fitness while improving posture and flexibility, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says. While the agency notes yoga is safe for most people, those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure, glaucoma or sciatica may be at greater risk of injury. The NLM suggests: Talk with a doctor…  read on >