Diets higher in fruit, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids could improve astronaut health during long spaceflights while still sticking to requirements for what can go on board, according to new research. A new study tested this theory on a spaceflight simulation chamber on Earth with 16 people: 10 men and six women. Four individuals participated…  read on >  read on >

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s tobacco unit is “reactive and overwhelmed,” an expert panel reviewing its work reported Monday. In addition, the panel blamed the FDA’s inconsistent regulation efforts for the spread of unauthorized e-cigarettes that are appealing to teens, among other problems. Commissioned by FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf this summer, the review…  read on >  read on >

Doctors are notorious for criticizing patients who don’t take medications as prescribed. But physicians and their families are themselves less likely than everyone else to comply with medication guidelines, a new, large-scale study has found. People tend to adhere to medication guidelines about 54% of the time, while doctors and their families lag about 4…  read on >  read on >

Red may be a traditional holiday color, but no one wants to wear it on their teeth. An expert offers some tips for keeping “wine teeth” at bay during your holiday parties. “When you drink red wine, you’re encountering a triple threat to your teeth’s whiteness: anthocyanins, which are the pigments in grapes that give…  read on >  read on >

It’s easy to blame the childhood obesity epidemic for growing cases of type 2 diabetes, but a new study finds nearly one-quarter of all diagnoses are not related to obesity. “The finding was somewhat surprising,” said Dr. Constantine Samaan, an associate professor in the department of pediatrics at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. “The findings…  read on >  read on >