As many parents know, children can be notoriously picky eaters. In some cases, their chronically fearful approach towards food amounts to what is considered a serious psychiatric condition. But a new survey of adults who were, and continue to be, finicky eaters suggests that rather than forcing a child to eat foods they don’t like,…  read on >  read on >

Eating lots of fruits, veggies, beans and other foods with inflammation-cooling properties may lower your odds of developing dementia as you age. But, if your diet is loaded with pro-inflammatory foods, you may be up to three times more likely to experience memory loss and issues with language, problem-solving and other thinking skills as you…  read on >  read on >

Sorry, parents, but giving your babies enriched formula won’t improve their chances of doing well in school when they’re in their teens, a new study shows. The research was prompted by claims that enriched formula promotes brain development. To learn more, researchers analyzed data from seven randomized trials of nutritionally modified infant formula conducted at…  read on >  read on >

Young, Black Americans are experiencing significant spikes in obesity, type 2 diabetes and smoking, all risk factors for heart attack and stroke. Between 2007 and 2017 – before the COVID-19 pandemic and the concerns it has created – hospitalized Black Americans aged 18 to 44 had sharp increases in these risks. They were also having…  read on >  read on >