You’re getting no real benefit from taking weight-loss supplements like garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, glucomannan, conjugated linoleic acid or chitosan, two new reviews show. Most of the clinical trials studied didn’t show these supplements producing any weight loss among users, the researchers said. In the rare cases where people did lose weight, they didn’t… read on > read on >
All Food:
Women Get Help Later Than Men When Heart Attack Strikes
When young women land in the emergency room with chest pain, they wait longer and get less treatment than their male counterparts, a preliminary study finds. Using a federal survey of U.S. hospitals, researchers found that younger women with chest pain were treated less urgently than men their age. That included a lower likelihood of… read on > read on >
Vegetarian Diet Could Help Fight Off Disease: Study
There’s more evidence that a switch away from meat in your diet could cut levels of unhealthy “biomarkers” that encourage disease, researchers say. A new study reported Saturday at the virtual European Congress on Obesity (ECO) found that people on vegetarian diets have lower blood levels of disease-linked biomarkers, such as “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and… read on > read on >
Pregnancy Within 1 Year of Weight-Loss Surgery Carries Added Risks
Women who get pregnant within a year of having weight-loss surgery are more likely to have preterm and smaller-than-normal babies, a new study suggests. Dutch researchers said their findings support current recommendations to avoid pregnancy for 12 to 24 months after weight-loss (bariatric) surgery. “We should encourage women who wish to conceive after bariatric surgery… read on > read on >
How Summer Camps Can Shield Your Kids from Allergies, Asthma & COVID
As kids get ready for summer camp, parents might be fretting about exposure to COVID-19, but a doctors’ group says they also need to make sure their campers will be protected from allergy and asthma triggers. “The [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has issued guidelines for keeping campers and staff protected from COVID-19. At… read on > read on >
Lots of Sugary Drinks Doubles Younger Women’s Colon Cancer Risk: Study
Rates of colon cancer among young Americans are on the rise, and a new study suggests that drinking too many sugary beverages may be to blame — at least for women. Women who drank two or more sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, fruity drinks or sports and energy drinks per day had double the risk… read on > read on >
Are You Taking a Med That’s Raising Your Blood Pressure?
Nearly one in five Americans with high blood pressure use medications that can cause blood pressure to spike, a preliminary study shows. The researchers said the findings are concerning, given how many people have difficulty controlling their high blood pressure. “A large number of Americans are not meeting their blood pressure goals,” said lead researcher… read on > read on >
How a Little Alcohol Might Help the Heart
A bit of booze may help protect your heart by reducing stress-related brain activity, a new study suggests. “The thought is that moderate amounts of alcohol may have effects on the brain that can help you relax, reduce stress levels and, perhaps through these mechanisms, lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease,” said lead author Dr.… read on > read on >
Heart Risk Factors Show Up Earlier in U.S. Black Women
Young Black American women have high rates of lifestyle-related risk factors for heart disease, a new study indicates. The findings show the need to help them adopt healthy eating and physical activity habits, as well as make it easier for them to access health care, the researchers said. “Young people should be the healthiest members… read on > read on >
When Drug Companies Raise Prices, Patients’ Out-of-Pocket Costs Rise
When prescription drug “list” prices go up, patients often take a hit in the wallet, a new study shows. Researchers found that while some people are buffered against drug price hikes by their health insurance plan, many are not. Those in plans that require co-insurance or a deductible for prescriptions typically watch their out-of-pocket expenses… read on > read on >