The word on eggs changes faster than you can say “sunny-side up.” One day their cholesterol isn’t a concern and the next day it is. After a 2018 study found an egg a day was fine for healthy people, a 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that this amount…  read on >

When your child is sick, taking the right medication can make all the difference — as long as it’s correctly chosen and measured. But sometimes mistakes occur. Here are safety steps to help prevent medication errors from happening. Make sure that the prescribing doctor knows about any drugs, vitamins and supplements your child takes, and…  read on >

When summer fruits and vegetables start to disappear from grocery stores, and the action shifts indoors to watching sports and munching on unhealthy snacks, it helps to have a diet plan in place to avoid weight gain. First, remember that farmers’ markets are still open across the country. You can buy local as long as…  read on >

Tired of that spare tire? Low-calorie diets work, but can be difficult to follow. A much simpler approach to losing weight might be to just stop eating every other day. It’s called alternate-day fasting (ADF). As the name implies, you starve yourself by fasting one day and then you feast the next, and then repeat…  read on >

Getting kids to eat right can be a challenge, but an easy place to start is with the lunch they bring to school. Make the contents of their lunchbox more fun, and they’ll be more likely to eat what you pack. These creative tips will make this meal more nutritious, too. Begin with a sandwich…  read on >

If you or someone you love is thinking about suicide, a new review points to effective treatments that can reduce suicide risk. Some involve therapy — cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) — while others involve medication, such as ketamine (by infusion) or lithium. “People should be aware that there are treatments,…  read on >

Creamy chocolate pudding is major comfort food, but most store-bought and even homemade versions have loads of sugar and little nutrition. Yet it is possible to make a super chocolatey pudding that’s also good for you. The key ingredients are rich avocado, high in healthy fats and vitamins K, E and B plus loads of…  read on >

Your lunch leftovers are doing no favors for urban birds’ hearts, new research shows. Fatty food scraps may be boosting the cholesterol levels of crows in U.S. cities, but whether it’s a threat to their health isn’t clear. A team from Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., analyzed blood cholesterol levels of 140 crow nestlings in…  read on >

Do you love restaurant-style scallops but feel nervous about making them at home? Here’s the 101 to cooking the perfect scallop every time. The trick to creating tasty scallop dishes is to choose “dry” scallops — these aren’t treated with phosphates, which can give them an off-taste and make them stringy when cooked. Scallops pair…  read on >