Obese young children may have less risk for high blood pressure if their mother took the omega-3 fatty acid DHA — found in fish oil — during pregnancy, new research suggests. The findings could be important since rising numbers of American children are obese and experiencing hikes in blood pressure. That could have long-term consequences…  read on >

Tax it, and fewer folks will buy it. So it goes with sugar-sweetened drinks, new research suggests. The California city of Berkeley introduced the nation’s first soda tax in 2014, and within months people were buying 21 percent fewer sugary drinks. Three years later, 52 percent fewer of these drinks were being sold while consumption…  read on >

Nuts are a delicious food to enjoy year-round, adding a richer taste to many of your favorite dishes. High in protein, fiber and essential minerals, nuts also contain healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats that help fight inflammation. Nuts are natural hunger-busters, but pay attention to your portion size. A snack of 10 to 12 peanuts,…  read on >

The United States has pledged to reduce food waste by 50 percent by the year 2030, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says. The FDA offers these suggestions to help accomplish the national goal: Prepare a shopping list before going to the market to avoid overbuying. If available, select fruits or vegetables that often get…  read on >

Fast-food restaurants get a bad rap for menus chockful of high-fat, high-salt foods with little nutrition. But are fast casual and sit-down chains better? The answer may surprise you. A University of South Carolina study looked at the calories in lunch and dinner entrees and found that fast-casual dishes had, on average, 200 more calories…  read on >

Vitamin B12 helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy, and assists in making DNA, the U.S. National Institutes of Health says. The agency provides this additional information: Vitamin B12 is naturally found in a wide range of animal foods and is added to some fortified foods. B12 is a component of almost all…  read on >

An imbalance in the gut “microbiome” of people with lupus may be driving the chronic autoimmune disease as well as its flare-ups, new research suggests. The microbiome is the trillions of helpful bacteria that coexist in the human digestive tract and elsewhere in the body. Comparing gut bacteria from lupus patients with bacteria from their…  read on >

A half-hour of morning exercise can help control blood pressure in overweight and obese people for the entire day, a new study finds. And for women in particular, adding frequent short breaks from sitting through the day can offer additional benefit, the Australian researchers said. “For both men and women, the magnitude of reduction in…  read on >

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 20, 2019 —Dense root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and parsnips benefit from roasting. They sweeten as they cook, making for healthy comfort food during cold winter months. Follow these general steps for any hard vegetables: Start by cutting them into uniform pieces, so they’ll roast and brown evenly. (Otherwise, you can end…  read on >

Everyone needs some salt to help maintain the body’s balance of fluids. But too much salt may cause you to retain fluids and raise your blood pressure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. About 75 percent of the salt you consume is from processed foods, the FDA says. The agency offers these tips to…  read on >