The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision late last year to delay a review of electronic cigarettes and cigars is unlawful and a threat to public health, according to a lawsuit launched by seven medical and public health groups, as well as five individual pediatricians. According to the groups, the FDA’s decision to delay the…  read on >

Most people today simply aren’t as active as people were decades ago. You can blame technology for some of that. The conveniences of modern living have taken away many chances to burn calories. Homes, office buildings and even some public spaces have been modernized in ways that require people to be less physically active throughout…  read on >

Raw fruit and vegetables provide vital nutrients and vitamins. But they may also harbor harmful germs, such as Salmonella andE. coli. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests how to select and store fruit and vegetables: Select producethat doesn’t look bruised or damaged. Keep precut fruit and vegetables cold.Refrigerate it or keep it on…  read on >

Dieters sometimes chalk up their lack of weight-loss success to a lack of willpower. The truth about willpower, though, is that everyone has some. Research has shown that you wake up each day with a limited supply that gets depleted very quickly. The more you use willpower to avoid temptation of any kind, the faster…  read on >

There’s another study that finds that taking the epilepsy drug valproate while pregnant may take an intellectual toll on offspring. Children whose mothers took the anti-seizure medication during pregnancy appear to get lower scores on school tests, the new study finds. The U.K. researchers pointed to prior studies with similar results, and they recommend that…  read on >

Less than 40 percent of American adults with extremely high cholesterol levels get the medications they should, a new study finds. Researchers examined federal government data to assess rates of awareness, screening and the use of cholesterol-lowering statins among adults aged 20 and older with extremely high levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol. The investigators also…  read on >

Piling on pounds is bad for your health from head to toe. So say Korean researchers, who report that unhealthy weight gain ups a person’s odds for disfiguring toenail fungal infections. In fact, people who are statistically obese have more than double the rate of the infection, known as onychomycosis, compared to slim people, the…  read on >

In the battle of the bulge, it’s not just getting exercise that matters — what you do when you’re not formally working out counts, too. Research shows that even getting 30 minutes of focused exercise a day may not be enough to ward off health woes if most of your leisure time is spent sitting.…  read on >

When you’re trying to lose weight, cutting calories counts. But so does burning them off with exercise. Exercise is also key to maintaining weight loss and being heart healthy, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Here are the maximum calorie burners, minute for minute. At the top of the list are running at…  read on >

A wellness policy is a written document that helps guide a school’s approach to nutrition and physical activity. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests: Including nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold on campus during the school day. Including policies for foods made available for classroom parties. Including policies to prevent…  read on >