Think you know what’s in your favorite supplement? Think again. More than half of the herbal and dietary supplements analyzed by researchers contained ingredients that differed from the list on their labels. Some had hidden ingredients that might actually harm health, researchers said. Bodybuilding and weight-loss supplements, in particular, tended to contain ingredients not listed…  read on >

Is that sleeping pill you took last night making it tougher for you to drive in the daytime? What about a heart medication? Or a new antidepressant? New research shows that many people taking prescription drugs aren’t aware that their meds could impair their ability to drive. “Most are aware of the potential dangerous side…  read on >

It’s a healthy habit we try to instill in our kids though we don’t always do it ourselves — eating more vegetables every day. But if you model the behavior yourself, this advice can help you lose weight and feel full at the same time. Here are easy ways to get started from the U.S.…  read on >

Popping certain heartburn drugs like they’re candy might up your odds for stomach cancer, new research suggests. The risk was proportionate to how long and how often these drugs, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), were taken. That risk increased anywhere from two to eight times, the study authors said. Although the relative risk seems high,…  read on >

More than half of Americans regularly take about four prescription medications, increasing the likelihood that mistakes could occur, according to Consumer Reports. People taking multiple prescription medications should visit their doctor for a “medication checkup.” By showing their doctor or pharmacist a comprehensive list of every drug they are taking, including vitamins and other dietary…  read on >

If your taste buds lean toward spicy, you might be doing your heart a favor, new research suggests. Spicy foods may increase salt sensitivity, thereby dampening the desire to consume heart-harming salty food, researchers in China say. “High salt intake increases blood pressure and contributes to cardiovascular disease,” said study author Dr. Zhiming Zhu. “Thus,…  read on >

Acetaminophen is considered the go-to pain medication during pregnancy. But a new study adds to evidence linking the drug to an increased risk of behavioral issues in kids. Researchers in Norway found that among nearly 113,000 children, those whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy were slightly more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity…  read on >