Before developing type 2 diabetes, people may have prediabetes, says the American Diabetes Association. Prediabetes is marked by higher-than-normal blood sugar levels that aren’t quite high enough to qualify as diabetes. Prediabetes can be difficult to recognize. People usually find out that they have the condition after being tested for diabetes. If you do have…  read on >

Less invasive treatment of severely clogged leg arteries appears to be as effective as open surgery, according to a new study. Researchers followed patients with critical limb ischemia, which is the most severe form of clogged leg arteries. It can lead to slow healing of leg wounds, gangrene and amputation. “Critical limb ischemia is usually…  read on >

Many studies have uncovered racial gaps in health care in the United States, but now a new review confirms that the disparity begins at birth. The review, of 41 studies, found that infants born to minority women typically received poorer care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) compared with white newborns. The finding was…  read on >

Patients who have noncardiac surgery are much more likely to die after they leave the hospital than in the operating room, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data on more than 40,000 adults, age 45 and older, who were operated on at 28 centers in 14 countries in North and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa…  read on >

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) can affect anyone who uses his or her hands a lot and repeats the same movements over and over again. It can develop whether you’re working at a computer all day or spending hours of leisure time immersed in handicrafts. At first, symptoms — like pain and tingling — may go…  read on >

A blood test may seem like a simple thing, but it can do so much. It can diagnose disease, reveal how well your organs work and whether a course of treatment is effective or not, experts say. Some blood tests require patients to fast before the blood is drawn. It’s crucial that you avoid eating…  read on >

Be careful about what medications you take before you get behind the wheel. Most drugs won’t affect your ability to drive, but some prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can cause side effects that make it unsafe to drive, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. Those side effects can include: sleepiness/drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, slowed…  read on >

Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment developed to help people confront their fears, says the American Psychological Association (APA). When people are fearful of things, they tend to avoid what frightens them. With exposure therapy, psychologists create an environment to expose people to the things they fear. Exposure therapy has been shown to help phobias,…  read on >