Add one more issue to the growing list of harms from opioid abuse: Long-term use may lead to hormone deficiencies that affect a man’s health. Researchers reviewed the latest medical evidence and found that about two-thirds of men using opioids for more than six months develop hypogonadism, which is insufficient testosterone production. The review also…  read on >

A dementia study has led researchers to a brain region that processes spoken, not written, words. Northwestern University researchers worked with four patients who had a rare type of dementia called primary progressive aphasia (PPA), which destroys language. Although able to hear and speak, they could not understand what was said out loud. However, they…  read on >

It’s surprisingly easy to hold a grudge, but whether it involves a friend, a co-worker or a loved one, it can fill you with bitterness, keep you stuck in the past and even lead to anxiety or depression. That means you’re the one suffering from the situation, and not necessarily the subject of your anger…  read on >

Tendinitis is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon. Immediately after injury, those with tendinitis should apply ice to the spot, says Mayo Clinic. Icing the area for 15 to 20 minutes will numb pain and constrict blood vessels to reduce swelling. Icing should be done every four to six hours, with a towel or…  read on >

Fingernails and toenails may be good indicators of health. Abnormalities of the nail are the distortions of color, shape, texture or thickness, says MedlinePlus. From injury to infection to disease, abnormalities have a range of causes. Although nail problems aren’t always a sign of illness, Mayo Clinic suggests contacting a health care provider if your…  read on >

A minimally invasive procedure called uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) was as effective as the recommended surgery for treating fibroids in the uterus, a new study says. In UFE, the fibroid growths’ blood supply is cut off using a small tube. The new research found that this approach also led to fewer complications compared to myomectomy,…  read on >

The healthiest community in the United States is Douglas County in Colorado, according to the 2019 rankings just released by U.S. News & World Report. The others in the top five healthiest communities are Los Alamos County in New Mexico; the city of Falls Church and Loudoun County, both in Virginia; and Broomfield County in…  read on >

More U.S. veterans are at increased risk for heart disease, a looming public health problem, researchers say. They analyzed data from more than 153,000 people who took part in the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Vets between the ages of…  read on >

More and more research supports the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, the way of eating followed by people who live in countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece and Italy. Various studies have indicated that it may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other changes related to thinking and memory. It may also…  read on >

People transitioning female to male face issues around future fertility. But new research suggests children in the future are a real possibility for these transgender men. Now, research shows that transgender men can remain fertile after even one year of testosterone treatment. It’s common for transgender men — those who were born female but who…  read on >