Are your feet something you think about only when they hurt? Simple steps can protect them from common problems, some of which are hard to get rid of. The first step is to wear shoes, such as water slip-ons, in moist environments like indoor swimming pools and communal showers at the gym. Damp areas allow…  read on >

Caring for a loved one after a stroke can be difficult, but with the right information and preparation, you can keep your loved one safe, the American Stroke Association says. The association offers this advice for caregivers: Be aware of the person’s medications and side effects. Determine if the home should be modified to meet…  read on >

As we age, so does our skin. With that comes wrinkles and age spots. While wrinkle creams, eye serums and other products can diminish signs of aging, the most effective anti-aging plan begins with healthy skin habits, the American Academy of Dermatology says. The academy offers this advice: Protect your skin from the sun by…  read on >

Many studies have shown that color affects both mood and behavior. Color can help you go from sad to happy or angry to calm. When it comes to mood, there are four primary colors. Though different shades within each of the four can have different effects, some generalities exist. Red symbolizes power and strength and…  read on >

Young children with autism are more than twice as likely to have sleep problems than typical kids or those with other developmental delays, a new study reports. Several factors profoundly affect the sleep of 2- to 5-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), said lead researcher Dr. Ann Reynolds. They are more likely to resist their…  read on >

Materials used in modern playgrounds, often plastics and rubber, can get very hot in the summer sun and are capable of burning a child’s skin, the Consumer Product Safety Commission says. The agency offers parents this advice: A child can get a thermal burn even in mild weather. Watch for uncoated metal equipment, dark-colored plastics,…  read on >

Taking care of a significant wound helps prevent infection and minimize scaring, the Nemours Foundation says. The foundation suggests how to care for a wound at home: Keep the wound covered with a clean dressing until it stops producing fluid. Wait an average of four days after surgery before showering. Ask your doctor for a…  read on >

Even if you think you can go to work when you have a cold or flu, you need to think about others, an infectious disease expert says. “I see a lot of patients whose jobs and stress make them feel torn between staying home and going in when they’re sick,” said Dr. Robin Wigmore. She…  read on >

SATURDAY, Feb. 9, 2019Monitoring blood sugar is essential for many people with diabetes, but self-testing is a hassle. For some patients, using a continuous glucose monitor might be the solution. The monitors were originally designed for people with type 1 diabetes to keep track of their blood sugar throughout the day. Using a sensor and…  read on >

Time spent on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook probably isn’t driving teenagers to depression, a new study contends. In fact, Canadian researchers found the relationship worked in the opposite direction — teenage girls who were already depressed tended to spend more time on social media, to try to feel better. These findings run counter to a…  read on >