The wheezy lung disease asthma is yet one more problem linked to excess weight in childhood, a new study suggests. The research contends that as many as 10 percent of pediatric asthma cases in the United States could be avoided if childhood obesity were eliminated. “There are very few preventable risk factors for asthma —…  read on >

Don’t be surprised at holiday parties if you can remember someone’s name but not their face. Despite what many believe, people are better at remembering names than faces, researchers found. In a series of tests, volunteers were able to recall up to 83 percent of names but only 64 percent of faces. “Our study suggests…  read on >

People caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia should focus on four main safety issues, an expert says. Nearly 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. About 16.1 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. “When approaching dementia families, I follow…  read on >

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for people with food allergies. But one health expert suggests that these folks can still enjoy festive gatherings, as long as they take certain precautions. About 5 percent of children and 4 percent of adults in the United States have a food allergy, according to the U.S.…  read on >

Nasal irrigation systems, sometimes called neti pots, use a saltwater solution to help tame congested sinuses. The devices, when used properly, can help moisten dried and swollen nasal passages. But if misused or improperly cleaned, they can also lead to infection, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. The FDA suggests using only distilled, sterile…  read on >

How quickly children pick up language skills may help predict their IQ in middle age, a new Danish study suggests. The researchers found a significant association between IQ test results at age 50 and the speed at which participants achieved a number of developmental milestones in childhood. “Most studies of the relationship between the speed…  read on >

Older heart attack patients who are frail are at increased risk for bleeding when being treated, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from more than 129,000 heart attack patients older than 65 who were treated at 775 U.S. hospitals between early 2015 and late 2016. Those who were frail had a 50 percent higher…  read on >

When a child gets the flu, it usually doesn’t require professional medical treatment, but the illness can make your child very uncomfortable. Here are suggestions on how to ease the flu’s misery, courtesy of the Nemours Foundation: Make sure your child drinks plenty of liquids. To encourage her to drink, offer her frozen fruit drinks…  read on >

Does your teenager’s personality actually predict how long he or she will live? Yes, claims new research that finds high school students who tend to be calm, empathetic and intellectually curious are more likely to still be alive 50 years later than their peers who are less so. The finding does not prove that certain…  read on >

Smoking bans in public places might protect more than the lungs of nonsmokers, with new research suggesting a beneficial effect on blood pressure. “We found that nonsmoking adults in the study who lived in areas with smoke-free laws in restaurants, bars or workplaces had lower systolic [top number] blood pressure by the end of the…  read on >