Driving under the influence and distracted driving are well-known hazards, but few people think twice about getting behind the wheel when feeling drowsy, a sleep expert warns. “Drivers can reduce the danger by being aware of risk factors and taking precautions,” said Dr. Praveen Rudraraju, who directs the Center for Sleep Medicine at Northern Westchester…  read on >

Home pregnancy tests are commonplace, but that doesn’t mean that every type of self-test for health issues is reliable. And even if results are accurate, you shouldn’t forgo getting advice from your health-care provider, especially if the condition is life-changing and requires very targeted treatment. Some kits that let you test at home are fast…  read on >

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. And petroleum jelly is an inexpensive, readily available way to help protect it. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests: Apply petroleum jelly to damp skin, including lips and eyelids. Apply it to minor cuts, scrapes and scratches to keep nearby skin from drying out. Apply…  read on >

Kids with summer birthdays, especially those who spend long hours playing on smartphones and tablets, might be at greater risk for vision problems, a new study suggests. Nearsightedness, also called myopia, is on the rise worldwide. It’s what eye doctors call a refractive error, meaning the eyes can’t focus light properly. The result: Close objects…  read on >

Women who love the early hours of the day are less likely to develop breast cancer, a new study suggests. British researchers analyzed two data banks that included more than 409,000 women to investigate the link between sleep traits and breast cancer risk. Compared to night owls, women who are early risers had a 40…  read on >

An autoimmune disorder occurs when the immune system attacks the body itself, rather than disease-causing germs such as bacteria and viruses. The U.S. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases says symptoms of an autoimmune disorder typically include: Joint pain and stiffness. Thyroid problems, which cause you to feel tired, gain weight and…  read on >

Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) that’s found in your blood. If your triglycerides are too high, you’re at greater risk of heart disease and stroke, says the American College of Cardiology, which recommends routine blood testing. Here are the group’s suggestions for lowering high triglycerides: Get more exercise. Cut down on calories, eat…  read on >

Living in noise-saturated neighborhoods might be more than simply annoying, with new research suggesting it seems to raise the risk for serious heart problems. Chronic noise from traffic and airports appears to trigger the amygdala, a brain region critically involved in stress regulation, brain scans have revealed. Noise is also associated with increased inflammation of…  read on >

Caffeine-laden energy drinks are popular, but they might make your blood vessels less efficient, a small study suggests. These drinks — sold as Monster and Red Bull, to name two — have been linked to heart, nerve and stomach problems, researchers say. “A lot of young kids use energy drinks when they exercise, a time…  read on >