An electronic health record, or EHR, is the digital version of the paper records documenting your health care. These online records are an advance in health management in many ways. These records mean fewer and shorter forms to fill out at appointments. Your information gets to all of your providers so they can coordinate your…  read on >

Vaccination is the best way to prevent whooping cough, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Whooping cough (pertussis) is a very contagious disease that causes about half its victims aged 1 or younger to end up in the hospital, the agency says. The CDC offers these suggestions to help protect your baby: Vaccinate…  read on >

You already know that smoking causes lung cancer. But tobacco use can lead to other major health problems, too, experts warn. “Cigarette smoking is probably the single most harmful thing you can do to your health,” said Jonathan Foulds, a professor of public health sciences and psychiatry at Penn State College of Medicine. “It’s hard…  read on >

People who, as young kids, either bullied their siblings or were bullied themselves by siblings face an increased risk for psychotic disorders, a new British study suggests. By age 18, those who’d been either the victim or the bully several times a week or month were two to three times more likely to have a…  read on >

While this flu season is still one of the worst seen in years, the first signs that infection rates are starting to level off were reported by U.S. health officials on Friday. As of Feb. 10, a total of 43 states continued to experience widespread flu activity, down from 48 the week before, according to…  read on >

A thin test strip — similar to a pregnancy test — can detect whether a street drug contains the dangerous opioid fentanyl, according to a new report. Fentanyl — one of strongest types of opioid painkillers — is often mixed into street drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. That makes it hard for users to…  read on >

Can the adoring gaze of a dog or the comforting purr of a cat be helpful to people with mental illness? Absolutely, new research suggests. Although furry companions won’t replace medications or therapy for mental health concerns, they can provide significant benefits, according to British researchers. Their review of 17 studies found that pets can…  read on >

In the wake of yet another deadly school shooting in the United States, one health specialist offers advice on how to ease children’s fears about acts of terror and violence. Consider the child’s age and emotional maturity when weighing the right time to discuss such tragedies, recommends Dr. Hannah Chow, a pediatrician at Loyola University…  read on >

The only equipment you really need to go running are running shoes. But choosing a pair can often feel like a shopping marathon. There’s no shortage of big box sporting goods stores, but ask the staff at a local running club for suggestions about where to shop. The salespeople at a specialty shoe store should…  read on >