Migraine sufferers might have to worry about more than just dealing with debilitating headaches. Migraine patients could also face an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and irregular heart rates, a new study suggests. The risk to heart health appears to be strongest in the first year after diagnosis of migraine, but persists…  read on >

Before you visit a podiatrist for the first time, it’s helpful to prepare a list of helpful information, questions and any special equipment. The American Podiatric Medical Association suggests including: A list of any symptoms, all medications and any previous surgeries. Important medical records and laboratory tests. A list of any special needs. If your…  read on >

“Rent-a-drip” IV lounges are popping up across the country, promising speedy recovery for hangover sufferers, jet lag victims and others seeking an intravenous solution to modern dilemmas. But experts say these lounges are at best a waste of money and at worst potentially dangerous. “The whole thing is really nonsense,” said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a…  read on >

Cancer survival rates are improving worldwide, but poorer countries are seeing less improvement than wealthier ones, a new study shows. Researchers analyzed data from 2000 to 2014 to assess five-year cancer survival rates among 37.5 million children and adults diagnosed with one of 18 common cancers. These patients were from 71 countries and territories. After…  read on >

Winter can be harsh on your skin, especially your hands and face. Try these fast, easy and inexpensive steps to avoid the chapping and flaking that comes with the season. Resist taking hot showers and long soaks, both of which remove your skin’s natural oil barrier, causing it to dry out more easily, suggests the…  read on >

While a brutal flu season is felling humans by the score, veterinarians warn that there have also been outbreaks of canine flu in some parts of the United States. Which dog owners need to worry? According to Dr. Amy Glaser, director of the Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center, there have…  read on >

An experimental saliva-based HIV test shows promise, researchers report. The new test may be able to detect early evidence of HIV antibodies in saliva as reliably as a blood test, according to the scientists who developed it. The antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. “The earlier…  read on >

It seems like “gluten-free” labels are popping up everywhere, including on foods that never had any gluten to begin with. Is this a health bandwagon you should jump on … or shy away from? Gluten is a protein found mostly in wheat, barley and rye. A gluten-free diet is a must for the 2 percent…  read on >

(HealthDay News) –If you plan to travel during flu season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests: Get the flu vaccine. It’s still not too late. Don’t travel if you feel sick. Avoid close contact with sick people. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue. Wash your hands often with soap and…  read on >

If your New Year’s resolution was to quit smoking, it’s probably time to consider ways to improve your chances of success. For starters, list your reasons for wanting to quit, suggest experts from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Want to improve your health? Save money? Smell and taste food better? Those are common reasons…  read on >