Suggestions to protect them
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All Health and Wellness:
Health Tip: Preparing for an Emergency
Don’t be caught off-guard read on >
When Disaster Strikes, Don’t Forget Your Pets
Prepare kit of essential supplies, evacuate early when you have animals, veterinarians say read on >
‘Eye Freckles’ May Predict Sun-Related Problems
The spots could be linked to higher risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, study says read on >
Are You Eating for the Wrong Reasons?
Getting over an overeating habit read on >
Could a Little Alcohol Lower Your Diabetes Risk?
Daily drink or two may provide a bit of protection, study suggests, but one expert skeptical read on >
Melanoma Isn’t the Only Serious Skin Cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma is far more common and also dangerous if untreated, dermatologist says read on >
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
The chronic skin condition may interfere with daily life, expert says read on >
Can Dogs Teach Doctors New Tricks?
Dermatologist says yes because there’s overlap between some canine and human skin problems read on >
Health Tip: Learn Your Risk for Asthma
Here are common factors
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