You’re likely to be uncomfortable at times
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All Health and Wellness:
How to Prevent Spread of the Skin Infection Impetigo
It’s a common childhood ailment, but adults can get it, too read on >
Hitting the Slopes? Keep These Safety Tips in Mind
Snowboarders and skiers should always use properly maintained equipment and be fully rested read on >
8 of 10 Texas Salons Heed Ban on Indoor Tanning for Minors
But survey finds most tell older customers they can tan every day, counter to FDA-suggested limits read on >
Health Tip: Coping With a Muscle Cramp
Start with some gentle stretching
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Health Tip: Why Arthritis and Fatigue Often Go Together
One reason: pain can make quality sleep elusive read on >
Are Your Kids Thankful?
These tips from a child development expert will help you foster an everyday attitude of gratitude in your children read on >
A Little Alcohol Each Day May Cut Your Risk of Stroke
But drinking doesn’t curb risk of every kind of stroke, and heavy drinking increases the danger, study finds read on >
Health Tip: Create a Safer Home for Kids With Seizures
For starters: secure padding to any object with sharp corners read on >
1 in 7 Young Teens Is a Stalking Victim: Survey
They’re at higher risk of substance abuse and depression, researchers say read on >