Study finds them living with smokers, mold, rodent and cockroach infestations, and few support systems read on >
Study finds them living with smokers, mold, rodent and cockroach infestations, and few support systems read on >
Opicapone, added to standard treatment, appears safe and well-tolerated, researchers say read on >
Suggestions to soothe it
read on >
American College of Physicians updated diabetes guidelines, said second drug can be added read on >
Association similar to that from high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and diabetes, researchers say read on >
Sleep expert recommendations read on >
Researchers find sleep weakens emotions stemming from disturbing events read on >
All types of fireplaces — wood, gas and electric — are potential safety hazards, experts warn read on >
The American Medical Association offers seven goals to get you started read on >
But that doesn’t mean roads will be safe New Year’s Eve; 28 million still drink and drive, survey finds read on >