Study finds slight improvement in thinking and memory for civically minded read on >
Study finds slight improvement in thinking and memory for civically minded read on >
Change in recommendations based on results of groundbreaking trial read on >
Study couldn’t prove cause-and-effect, but risk rose as proximity to traffic increased, researchers report read on >
Quality-of-life boost seen in obese patients who lost significant amounts read on >
Here’s what to consider
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Study finds them living with smokers, mold, rodent and cockroach infestations, and few support systems read on >
Opicapone, added to standard treatment, appears safe and well-tolerated, researchers say read on >
Suggestions to soothe it
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American College of Physicians updated diabetes guidelines, said second drug can be added read on >
Association similar to that from high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and diabetes, researchers say read on >